
farewell 2009.. I'll miss you

Sitting at work with the headphone on. Listening to JJLam new album. Looking at the watch, its already 3pm. Not long to go till 2009 is at its end, not long till the start of another year.
I guess as always, its a time to reflect and to do a summary of 2009. How should I start ??? haha I don't' know, the usual way I guess. Just type whatever come up in my mind. :)

2009... Started off perfect :) this year was a very smooth year, spend allot of time without my parent around and truly tasted the life of Independence.
Travelled quite abit, went back to HongKong in June. Meet up with friend whom I have missed for a long long time. Visited Mike's grandparent and ate heaps. Went to Christchurch and finally went skiing at Queenstown. Went on my first business trip to client site. Had my first encounter with the Emergency clinic, lets say it was not really a highlight for me, but definitely worth noting down.
Realised I have made some really good friends at work. Learnt allot about workplace politics and how scary it can be.
Grown up abit, well still quite childish but experienced more and considered more about future, career etc.
Bonded with a really great group of friend, and still bonding :) hehehehe... I believe deep down in my heart, CLICKS+ will be a group till the end.... ^0^ ... unlike those random pop band that fade after awhile.
Oh and went to quite a few wedding this year as well @.@ haha must be that everyone is getting nearer to "THAT" age already.
The only spectacular thing this year for me would be. My decision to move oversea has been made up, ticket bought and the date is now set in stone. (well kinda.. still have a return ticket to come back to NZ if things don't work out..... uummmmm ) But yea... I guess I have achieved my goal set in 2009.... to be in Australia by 2010 :) ... should give myself a clap on the back hehehe.
That's why, this year is quite special for me. Had a peaceful, happy, loving year. Just very happy :) ... and I shall look forth to 2010 with a smile on my face. I am sure something good will come out of this.
I will miss 2009, miss everything and everyone that has made a mark in my memories.

Thank you all for everything you have done, for all the memories and smile you have given me. I am most grateful for you all and from the bottom of my heart I thank you.

Farewell 2009... you have been good to me.... take care and be good.

I shall now sit and wait patiently for the arrival for 2010 and the new challenges, memories and unknown which it brings.

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~Hal Borland