It is now the time to write my 2nd BLOG.
It is once again the most look forward to day of the week ----- *drum roll pleaseeee* ......... FRIDAY ........ lalalalala....
Today was quite a peaceful day at work, spend the day checking the configuration on a new Pak N'Save site. (2 more to be install next week.. @@ ... )
Got email from TL saying "FREE PIZZA FOR LUNCH" muahhaha.. which started a whole link of email reply asking WHY he was being so nice, was he leaving, reverage planning to make us fat?? or DYING.. @@ hahaha... *yes okey I was the one that started off this whole linkage of spam hahaha* But atleast that got our TL off the stressful look for the day and he had himself abit of laughter. ^^
Lunch time was GREAT... ooooo sooo many fresh pizza. -- MEAT LOVERS, VEGETERIAN, HAWIAN etc etc etc...
Oh oh oh yessss and the seafood truck came today again. First time for me to check out the truck. Quite nice actually, bought myself a dozen oyster for $12 @@ .. salmon steak and a bag of scallop... gonna treat my GUEST to a yummy seafood dinner on sunday hehehe.
The bad thing is, guest is coming on sunday so I will have to find a way to keep the fish fresh until sunday. End up after some research on the internet to FREEZE the damn thing. *cross finger* the meat don't get ruin la.
All those event is good thing for a friday, seafood, free pizza, relaxing day.
I guess good thing must always be spoiled by BAD NEWS... which hit you hard and fast.
I am on backup again, on call 24/7 for 7 days. And the worst thing is, I am being the backup of the most hated person in the company. @@ argggg the most stupid, arrogant bastard I have ever known. HATE HIM HATE HIM HATE HIM..... >< and everyone knws that. Atleast TL was kind enough to keep telling me, if I do have any trouble to give him a call. ^^ such a nice person.. aiiii
Well life must go on, need to find new aim in life...
Best bud back in nz already, had a chat with her last week and kinda got jolted back into reality..... gonna be 23 soon... and still no success in life. T-T kinda depressing really. And even worst is, company is small > social group is limited > no new ppl to meet > fishing pond getting smaller and smaller.. @@ hahaha... kinda a weird way to think like that, but I guess what kind of GIRL, LADY etc don't think about this??? Life has its ups and downs but wouldn't it be great to have someone by yourside to support you when you are down and to share your joy when you are up. ^-^
haha...yea I am being a depressing person today .. :P so better stop blogging before I influence anyone else to become as down as I am.
**let the SLEEPLESS WEEK beginnnnnn****