Went on my second site visit today. Pak'N Save Lincoln Road. Lovely site really, it is like one of our newer site. So the system is soo clean and nice to use. Well basically I was told just around the time I was leaving to go home that the site need someone to go out and fix one of the part in their system. Seeing it was my week to be on duty, that job got assigned to ME... yes... little Miss PnS guru =.= oh I sooo hate that name Pak'N Save guru, what kind of title is that. Anyway, I have never been to that site before, not to mention any of the other site. The closest I have been to seeing our system on a PnS site was when I was filling up my car at one of them hahaha. So yea after a little argument with my TL and giving him my usual dose of ATTITUDE. I was lead toward the car and told to HURRY UP AND FIX THE DAMN THING. T-T . Armed with my "wise map" print out and some screw driver and my nifty laptop, I went on a journey toward the WEST.... *WESTSIDE..... * haha.
Well the traffic was like HORRIBLE. a 20min journey took me more then an hour to get there. But once I was on site, it was simple all the way. Quite fun as well, never really looked inside a pump unit before hehe.. and pretty funny how the customer walk by and steer at a short little girl fixing a pump wahaha... *proud proud proud* hahaha.... and then check up the system in a little shed haha, fix a few buggy data that just felt like disappearing for the day haha. Left the site at around 730pm. Lucky there was a KFC nearby, so stop there to grab a bite. Man, henderson is like super westie... everyone there was like WESTIE... but haha had a surprise for the day, something there to keep my mind occupied for the whole time I was waiting for the food to arrive :P hehehehehe......
Anyway - a note or something I must complain about it, KFC CHICKEN SCHNITZEL ITALIANO BURGER IS A BIG NO NO... do not.. i say DO NOT.. try it.. it is yuck yuck yuck >< *note the pic is the burger.. and it is not nice... *
Okey drove all the way home at 120km p/h hoho.. while munching chips and holding the burger in one hand. Got weird stare from people in other car as I try to eat the burger in the most lady like manner and also getting the biggest bite out of the damn thing. While also trying NOT to eat any of the paper while feeding myself. hahaha..... *I can imagine it was not a good sight haha*
Okey la, another day nearly gone. Enjoying myself this week, having quite a fun week hehe... so yea... TUESDAY tomorrow. Lets see what tomorrow will bring ^-^ .