
Round the Bay 07 training

Yes, as the title read - I HAVE BEEN TRAINING... (* okey stop laughing... can't be that HARD to believe now... can it?? *)

Anyway, been going for power walk/ run everyday now after dinner for 1hour or so hehe. Feel really great after a run esp when the weather is sooooo good and I have quick access to the nearby beach. The smell of the salt water is just great with the wind blowing through your hair ^-^. Also the idea that you can run further and further each day, with the aching feeling afterward in your muscle means your stamina is improving and maybe.. just maybe you are actually getting HEALTHIER hahaha. If I have the chance I will just run to the beach in the mrning, laz around on the beach for the whole day, playing in the water then sleeping in the grass. ummmm thats how you enjoy life haha... but of coz I will not be able to live a day without my internet / computer haha.

Anyway back to my training. I doubt, really doubt I can run 8.5K haha... but WILL TRY. Aim is to atleast run half of the way - so 4k non stop + 4k power walking. GO HARD GO HARD.

Get fit, Get tone ^-^ GET HEALTHY.

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