

My first weekend staying home and not going out to "HANG".... Actually was quite nice, its been a while since I have spend the day just sitting around doing NOTHING haha.

Well just to sums it up, I basically spend the day cooking today. Made teriyaki chicken pizza for lunch, for dessert and for dinner we had steak, potato & pumpkin layer bake with cauliflower. ummmmm haha total FOOD OVERLOAD....

Pizza ingredient: Red onion, mushroom, teriyaki chicken, Camembert cheese, Japanese mayo, tomato sauce, oregano and sweet basil...... *it was yummmmm*

2 則留言:

LemonTz 說...

OMG! @.@### i want an egg tart plzzzzz....so pro!!! (and pizza...do i need to mention abt it being overloaded with toppings!? ahah) :P (lol may be u should STAY home more then!!!! j/k j/k)

fantax 說...

>< camebert + mayo + teriyaki chicken~~~ hehe nsnsssss