Lets just say, it was well worth every penny. Chris Connell was good as the guest star, but the band at the back wasn't that good, bass too loud - completely covering Chris with their sound. But that was not important, what was important is the fact that LINKIN PARK ROCK!!!
The lighting was fantastic, sound was good incomparison to the PINK concert. Just a slight mishap at the start when Chester's mic stopped working. (Doubt anyone noticed actually haha everyone was too excited that the show was starting...)
Through the whole night they played song from the album "Meteor" "Hybrid theory" and of coz their latest album "Minutes to Midnight".
The highlight for me was when Chester sang Crawling with no other musical instrument but Mike on the keyboard. It is surprising how he can go from soft to rock in one whole concert with no stress on his voice.
Overall - GREAT CONCERT.. I will give it 9/10... 10/10 if VECTOR ARENA had a big screen so I can actually get close up view of the guys on stage ><